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Berg Shell Ice Maker

Berg’s refrigeration experts took the process of ice making to the next level by designing a shell ice maker that is compact, energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and technologically advanced.


With applications in the fishing, food processing, produce, meat and poultry, and construction industries, the Berg Shell Ice Maker can produce 5 to 15 tons of fragmented ice per day.

*** For restaurants, bars, beverage cooling, packaged ice, or direct food contact applications, we recommend exploring FDA-approved commercial ice makers designed for those specific needs.

With a reliable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective design, the new Berg shell ice maker is the machine of choice across a wide range of industries around the world.

industrial ice machine

System Highlights:

  • Available capacities: 5, 10, 15, 20 tons per day
  • Water cooled or air cooled
  • Food grade wetted parts
  • Fresh or saltwater ice
  • HMI with variable ice thickness control
  • PLC control with data collection and trending
  • Low GWP refrigerant, low charge
  • Small footprint in your facility
  • IOT ready, remote access control
  • Heavy duty curtain

Berg’s Shell Ice Makers produce high volumes of irregularly shaped ice chunks, designed for industrial processes to efficiently preserve, process, and transport products before they reach consumers.

Berg's new Shell Ice Makers are solid and energy-efficient, and have become the industrial ice making machines of choice across a wide range of industries and applications, including:

  • Agriculture, post harvest, and produce cooling
  • Meat and poultry processing
  • Breweries and Wineries
  • Food and beverage processing
  • Chemical and petrochemical processing
  • Ice handling, ice plants, and ice storage systems
  • Fisheries and Seafood Refrigeration
    and other custom liquid processes

Interested to learn more about Berg's new Shell Ice Maker? Find out more today.

For restaurants, bars, beverage cooling, packaged ice, or direct food contact applications, we recommend exploring FDA-approved commercial ice makers designed for those specific needs.

Custom Engineered

Berg engineers work with you to custom design the industrial ice making machine that will meet your economic and functional needs.

24/7 Technical & Service Support

Berg is available 24/7 for technical and service support.

Energy Efficient

All of Berg's new industrial ice making machines come equipped with high system efficiency features

How the Berg Shell Ice Maker Works:

industrial ice machine

The Benefits of Shell Ice

industrial ice machine maker

Our findings and experience, as confirmed by independent research groups and users of Shell-Ice, show that Shell-Ice is a “better” ice in terms of flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and energy efficiency.

ice making machines

Customized ice thickness can be crucial for some industries since freezing degree days can vary according to ice thickness. Since most ice must be stored for a few days before being used, it is essential to keep the handling characteristics long enough from storage to when it is required.

ice making machine

A study commissioned by the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans concluded that Shell-Ice was entirely workable through a whole week and could be easily handled, compared to crushed block-ice for only 24 hours and flake ice for 48 hours with an additional 20% or more electricity cost.

industrial ice machine maker

Whether you require ice that is thick or thin, made from fresh or saltwater, the Berg Shell Ice Maker can produce ice that will meet all your unique cooling requirements.

Berg’s Cost Effective, Energy Efficient Shell Ice Maker Chosen for Seafood Preservation

Berg Chilling Systems Inc. was chosen by a seafood company to help with improving its preservation performance and cutting energy costs. Through Berg’s Shell Ice Maker, the company was able to preserve fresh and live seafood in a more productive, energy efficient way.

In this project, the Berg Shell Ice Maker had five tons-per-day production capacity mounted on a platform above an ice storage room. The user was able to set ice thickness based on fresh or saltwater ice.

Industrial Ice Maker Projects

Find out how Berg’s new and improved industrial ice machine can help your company's production process.
Contact a Berg representative today.